Evelyn Blanck is the Associate Executive Director of the New York Center for Child Development. New York Center for Child Development (NYCCD) is a not-for-profit early childhood organization founded in 1995, which offers a continuum of educational and therapeutic services for children from birth through age 5 designed to promote their optimal development.
She received a gubernatorial appointment to the Early Childhood Advisory Council of New York State, where she serves on the Steering Committee and is the Co-Chair of the Strong Families Workgroup. The Council advises the office of the Governor, the Legislature, and Commissioners on early childhood policies and programs. She is a member of the New York State Medicaid Redesign Team where she is helping to reshape New York State’s Medicaid Plan to better address the needs of young children. She is a member of the NYS Joint Task Force on Social Emotional Development which was formed to develop guidance for Early Intervention to ensure that practitioners have the necessary tools available to identify and treat young children in need of social emotional supports and interventions.
Ms. Blanck is the Founder and Chair of the New York City Early Childhood Mental Health Strategic Work Group, an official advisory committee to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that is comprised of leading experts in the area of early childhood health and mental health. She was also the Chair of the Council on Young Child Wellness for SAMHSA Project LAUNCH which consisted of representatives of the New York City Mayor’s office, city government agencies and private agencies dealing with young children and their families.
She is the former Co-President of the New York Zero to Three Network. She is a founding board member of the New York Association of Infant Mental Health which will oversee the implementation of a New York State Infant Mental Health Endorsement program. She is on the Professional Advisory Board of the Profectum Foundation.
Evelyn Blanck has been an invited speaker at many professional conferences addressing social-emotional development and policy in infancy and early childhood. A major focus of her work has been on promoting the integration of mental health in education, primary care and all child serving systems.